Registration form

Hash name:
Real name:
Home hash:
Phone number:
Email address:
Home country:
Room preference:
e.g. harriettes-only, non-snoring, who you want to shack up with
T-shirt size: XXL XL L M S XS
Are you a veggie? Yes, I'm a herbivore.
No, I'm a carnivore.
Additional comments (allergies, etc):
In attending this event I fully understand the risks involved. If I am injured, I agree that I will not sue or hold anyone else responsible who is involved with this event. Participating is deemed to agree with this liability waiver and to indemnify SNH2024 H3 against claims, costs and damages. In other words, I take full responsibility for my own actions and will not try to legally screw anybody connected with this event; and maybe, for the first time in my life, I will be responsible for my actions and myself. I have read and understood the above, and agree with the terms and conditions listed herein.